I'm Tired

I’m tired.
And it’s too early for me to be tired, because the worst is yet to come for me as a doctor.
I’m tired of people saying this is hyped.
I’m tired of people making this into a Democrat thing.
I’m tired of people making this into a Trump thing.
But mostly, I’m tired of the divisiveness about this. Because you know what? It doesn’t matter. The United States is following Italy’s trajectory. Some areas of our country are closer to the breaking point already than maybe where you live, so this all seems too much right now. Our hospital system as we know it will break.
Please hear me out.
This isn’t something I want to happen.
I’m just trying to get ready for it. There are things that I have learned in my career that allow me to help in situations like these. And I get that those of you not in healthcare can feel helpless in this situation and feel mad and want to blame someone. That’s not going to help, so please stop.
So what can you do?
Wash your hands.
Stay home when sick – or when told to stay home.
Avoid crowds.
And listen to the doctors.
We’re just trying to help.
Oh, and maybe, just maybe, pick up the phone and tell those important to you that you love them. Because that is something we all need to hear right now.
***And the picture below? It's already 2 days old (3/11/2020). I tried to find an updated one without success.


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